Vive Le Quebec libre

Guest   Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:27 am GMT
The money would not necessarily translate into a surplus because Quebeckers would still have to decide whether to spend it on a variety of new responsibilities, like buying new army equipment or setting up foreign missions. (Quote)

That's ok, we will just put our defence back under France.

Canada's idea of the military is to shackle Quebec with it Need we talk about Trudeau and the military. Quebec is paying for this military?? Come'on, talked about exploitation at its best. Get that money back, we demand a refund!!

Quit stealing our money Canada!!!
Merlin   Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:39 am GMT
Who are you to say that France will provide you with it's army? you probably think that they're gonna do it for free!? you live in a very strange world and BTW stop giving URL that as absolutely nothing to do with what you're talking about, nothing on that site says that France will provide military force to the "country of Quebec" (i got nausious just by writting it)...
Canuck   Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:45 am GMT
Quebecois/Canadian whatever we are an occupied people. That link represents countries that don't defend themselves but have other countries pledge defense. We are suppose to be in a free world where the people have the freedom of Self determination. You stole our Canada but now you are trying to steal our Canadian identity, but thanks to George Washington we the true Canadians have been forever immoratalized in truth. Canada has become a laughing stock to the world. I assure you that in every coffee shop across Europe they are laughing at Canada with its hypocrisy. 1759 Plains of Abrahams the Canadians lost and fell under British Rule. We are marching towards liberation. Call yourself Canadian, but that does not make it any more valid than calling yourself First Nations.

Sovereignty by Association will be the only binding force that will keep this illusion, facade of Canada from Crumbling to dust.

History is coming out and with it the truth.
Canuck   Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:46 am GMT
Do you want a pill against that nausea my friend Merlin ??? Repeat after me "country of Québec", "country of Québec", "country of Québec"...

Not too hard to do, you'll see your nausea will get by after a while.

I'm surprised that name provoke such a thing to a guy living in Québec... don't you ever talk to sovereignists out here Merlin ???

Country of Québec, country of Québec, country of Québec... There you go. Feeling better now ?
Canuck   Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:52 am GMT
Geee... I thought Canada loved Québec ! Wasn't that you were saying in 1995 in Montréal ???

You "love us" but only in words isn't it ???

Another example : that movie "Mémoires affectives" that won a lot prizes but gets 250 viewers. That movie wasn't crap... it has a good scenario believe me. What's happening ? Oh yeah you prefer american movies... yeah I know. You don't like your canadian cinema Canadians or what ??? Oh geeee... I just did a lapsus... I meant québécois cinéma.

Get over it Canadians, leave Québec peacefully. Get out of QUébec. We are just different.

" Le long-métrage Mémoires affectives s'est avéré un échec commercial retentissant à Toronto. Seulement 250 personnes se sont déplacées pour le voir.

Le film de Francis Leclerc venait pourtant de récolter plusieurs des prix les plus importants au gala des Génies. Mémoires affectives mettant en vedette Roy Dupuis, a obtenu les prix du meilleur acteur, du meilleur scénario et de la meilleure scénarisation.

Le cinéaste confie au Journal de Montréal être persuadé que les 250 Torontois qui ont vu son film étaient des Québécois francophones vivant à Toronto.

Il fait valoir qu'au Canada anglais, les gens ne vont même pas voir leur propre cinéma : ils n'iront donc certainement pas voir un film québécois. Selon lui, gagner un prix Génie ne sert à rien.

Francis Leclerc constate que la situation est tout autre au Québec : avant le gala des Jutra, Mémoires affectives avait amassé 300 000 $ au box-office; quelques semaines après, il totalise maintenant 600 000 $.

M. Leclerc estime que le fiasco de son film à Toronto démontre une fois de plus qu'il existe deux solitudes au Canada. Selon lui, il y a au pays deux cultures qui continuent de s'ignorer.

Mémoires affectives n'est demeuré à l'affiche à Toronto que pendant deux semaines. "

" Nous sommes de ceux, plus nombreux qu’on ne pense, qui n’acceptent pas la confédération, mais qui la subissent seulement, en attendant des jours meilleurs… (Tardivel, 2 septembre 1893) "
Guest   Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:43 pm GMT
But does Quebec love Canada???
greg   Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:48 pm GMT
Bien sûr que oui : le Québec ***C'EST*** le Canada.

Au fait, si le Québec quitte le 'Canada', outre que ce dernier devra changer de nom, il faudra aussi qu'il rembourse l'occupation de l'Ontario, de la Baie-d'Hudson, du Labrador, de Terre-Neuve, de l'Acadie etc.

———blague——— (ou peut-être pas...)
Guest   Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:14 pm GMT
Pigs' nuts to your lame joke. Quebec is PART of Canada. And Quebec, for all its continued shenanigans, should reimburse Canada proper.
greg   Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:34 am GMT
Absolument pas ! C'est plutôt l'inverse. Le 'Canada' doit des milliards de dollars à la Province de Québec (Haut-Canada & Bas-Canada) et à l'Acadie.
Guest   Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:03 pm GMT
Not anymore. That sob story's ancient history now.
Phil   Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:56 am GMT
this person above should shut the hell up and realise not everyone wants to live, work, recreate, procreate, and most of all think in English.

This is what all this is about at the base: Québec saying "we are different," "we do not wish to be like the rest of the 300 million North Americans (who by the way are becoming increasing hispanophone I might add... thank god for something to lend more diversity).

We wouldn't have to be "appeased" if you never tried to colonize us in the first place...
Guest   Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:19 am GMT
The above person has absolutely no idea and should talk to a crash test dummy for practice before squiggling randomly here. The French colonized the place in the FIRST place... relatively few Quebeckers are descendents of those Frenchies anyway. So bullshit to that colonist argument.

Diversity my trou de balle ! There's plenty of diversity as it is without a minority of crackpots whining for the sake of a stupid ruckus only to lose another referendum. A separate province will have no effect on the average Tremblay in Quebec.

How wonderful! If N. America becomes hispanophone you won't have to live, work, recreate, procreate, and most of all think in English, you'll be able to do it all in Spanish.
Curieuse!   Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:34 pm GMT
Je fais de la recherche...Je n'habite pas au Canada (ni au Quebec). Est-ce qu'on peut m'expliquer simplement...Le Quebec veut-il etre un pays completement independant? (Merci de votre aide!)
greg   Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:10 pm GMT

Oui, la majorité des Québécois aspirent à l'indépendance. Le dernier référendum aurait dû être remporté par les indépendantistes mais le gouvernment d'Ottawa a tout fait pour manipuler les esprits et le scrutin (avec l'argent public). Mais la prochaine fois sera la bonne !
Sander   Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:54 pm GMT
Note: Greg purposly provided false information.

The majority of Quebecois does not want independance.As can/could be seen in the referendum(s)