Vive Le Quebec libre

Guest   Mon Jan 02, 2006 2:37 pm GMT
God, 100 pages of this discussion nationalism and other sick crap.

It's a shame.There are people in the world with serious problems.

You disgust me.
Guest   Mon Jan 02, 2006 2:38 pm GMT
Page 100. Shame on all of you.
Guest   Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:58 pm GMT
Sander stop acting so childish for God's sake
Guest   Mon Jan 02, 2006 5:21 pm GMT
" Since Montreal is more important as an English speaking city "

"Guest", go to Montreal and see by yourself that Anglos are a minority in that city !
Guest   Mon Jan 02, 2006 5:24 pm GMT
vive 06 libre de 2006 !! 2000 et 06 doivent se séparer et donner l'indépendance à 06.
Congratulations   Mon Jan 02, 2006 5:28 pm GMT
on reaching the 100-page mark. Only 10 pages more and we'll surpass the "What do you know about the Dutch?" thread (109 pages, 1629 posts, 2004/11/24 to 2005/04/17).

!Onward and upward!
Guest   Mon Jan 02, 2006 5:49 pm GMT
Canada Better Off Without Québec
Guest   Mon Jan 02, 2006 5:51 pm GMT
Come on Canada you can do better to scare the Québécois!
Come on...
I love debating.
Where are you ???

You are all invited for another love-in in Montreal at the next referendum. I will make you discover my beautiful country Québec. And french. And Montréal. And Québécoises...

Sorry guys... I know it's probably hard times for you right now... maybe I break a certain vision you have of Canada... but isn't a question of time...

The sovereignists are there to stay... don't you think ???
Remember... the Liberals put millions of dollars in canadian flags in Montréal and Québec... has Québécois love Canada better... believe me not really much

We are still stuck... aren't we ???
Michou   Mon Jan 02, 2006 6:00 pm GMT
It wouldn't be so embarrassing if Canadians had been realists about the last referendum results and dealt with it in a pragmatic and open manner. When close to 50 % of a population forgo the fear factor Canadians try to pull on them (still doing too from what I read on this thread) and still want to pull out of the federation, Canadians should have taken the time to stop and reflect instead of throwing out insults, hate-mongering comments and then use corrupt practices to 'buy' back Québécers into the Canadian fold.

None of it worked. Assume Québécers have learned their lessons well and no amount of Montreal 'love-ins' will be needed this time around. The only option you have left is force. Figuratively speaking, it wouldn't surprise me to learn some of you are already shiniing your army boots and loading up your guns.
Guest   Mon Jan 02, 2006 6:04 pm GMT
Il n'y a qu'une seule façon de réveiller les Canadiens à la nouvelle réalité Québécoise. C'est de continuer à en parler entre nous et avec eux comme nous le faisons actuellement.
Ils ne pourront pas passer à côté de toute façon. Le vent a tourné et il souffle maintenant d'est en ouest et du nord au sud.
Si tu t'attends à ce que les membres ici te répondent en te disant que OK, ils acceptent sans détour l'indépendance du Québec, tu te trompes Michou.

C'est vrai que nous sommes forts, rappellons-nous Pierre Bourgault. C'est lui qui nous a invité par son exemple à utiliser notre voix comme force de changement. Bourgault a été le porte-étendard de la révolution tranquille. Suivons son exemple et portons celui de celle qui s'annonce. Il ne faut jamais se taire car la voix d'un homme ou d'une femme est le meilleur outil qu'ils ont pour se défendre. Lorsque ces voix s'unissent collectivement, rien ni aucune armée ne peux les arrêter. le verbe fût.
Guest   Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:23 am GMT
Moi, ce n’est pas par hasard, c’est par choix que je suis devenu Québécois.
- Alain Stanké l’essouché (Aloyzas-Vytas Stankevicius)

Tiré de l'Annuaire du Québec, 2005

À diffuser...
To spread...
Québécois are coming to the World
We have something to say
Guest   Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:26 am GMT
Oui hein ???
On arrête pas de parler... héhé
7,5 M qui occupent la scène politique d'un pays de 30 M, on trouve ça normal ???

Where are you Canadians ???
Come on... let's discuss and debate
Let's fight again
Referendum is coming
Aren't you bored of us

Come out Canadians
Québécois stand together
Like it or not
Guest   Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:46 am GMT

extremely funny thread!
Guest   Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:08 am GMT
Canadians, please don't try to "love us"
We are no fools anymore
It worked few times in the past
Not anymore
Get that in your head

Cry Québec and let it leave
Québec will cry Canada (its part of our history also) and we'll leave in peace
Help us... let's help each other please
It's already over, done

The World is waiting for Québec
Can't you realize it
Guest   Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:12 am GMT
The Pretend Canadians are nothing more than British Subjects in Canadian Clothing. Cling to your mapleleaf, the fleur-de-lys is the real symbol of Canada.

Canadian Press

An independent Quebec would be swimming in cash after taking over federal taxing powers and reducing duplication in government services, says a plan presented Thursday by the Parti Quebecois.

If the province became sovereign, Quebec would re-create its own version of the recent massive surpluses of the federal government and would have full control over how the money is spent, PQ Leader Bernard Landry said.

“For most people, the decision to support sovereignty is a combination of the heart and reason,” Mr. Landry told reporters after the plan was unveiled.

“A sovereign Quebec would be in a much better situation than the province of Quebec.”

The study, drafted by PQ finance critic Francois Legault, says Quebec would have $1.3-billion in extra money in 2005-06 after taking over its share of federal taxes and spending. The amount would grow to $13.8-billion by 2010.

The money would not necessarily translate into a surplus because Quebeckers would still have to decide whether to spend it on a variety of new responsibilities, like buying new army equipment or setting up foreign missions.

The plan presumes successful negotiations with Canada and uses simple calculations to establish Quebec's spending in areas currently run by the federal government.