Vive Le Quebec libre

Candy   Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:19 pm GMT
I appreciated most of what you wrote upthread. I didn't agree with a lot of it, but you were articulate and really helped me to understand your point of view.
In this last post, however, you've managed to really offend me. I don't think that insulting English-speaking Canadians (and, as you may remember, that includes my partner) is the way to convince anybody of the rightness of your cause.
<<C'est bien cela qui vous rend si amers. >>
How are they bitter?? What does it take away from 'Anglos' that Québec has a different culture, even a vibrant culture? From what I've read here and elsewhere, it seems that French-speaking Canadians are the 'bitter' ones for having to share a continent with so many English-speakers, whom they often seem to detest.
<<95% des films diffusés dans les cinémas du canada anglophone sont américains, >>
Same in Britain and probably every other Anglophone country (in fact, most of the non-Anglophone countries of the world too)
<<90% d'entre vous vivent à moins de 120 km des Etats-Unis>>
You don't think perhaps this has more to do with the inhospitable climate of Canada further north? What's the relevance of this figure anyway? A high percentage of the people of Scotland probably live within 150 km of England - they still have their own *non-English* culture!
<<Je pense d'ailleurs qu'un habitant de Vancouver se sentirait plus chez lui à Seattle qu'à Toronto.>>
And?? I personally felt much more at home in Cape Town than in London, the capital of my own country. Doesn't make me less English. To state something paralysingly obvious, Vancouver is 1000s of km from Toronto.

I could write a lot more - a hell of a lot more - but perhaps another time. I'm just sorry that you had to descend to this level, Sébastien. Disagree by all means, but please don't talk rubbish like <<le Canada anglophone n'est qu'une pâle copie de son voisin américain.>> I would never say that Québec is a 'pale imitation' of French culture.
Steve K   Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:29 pm GMT
I had not noticed this nonsense in Sebastian's post.

"90% d'entre vous vivent à moins de 120 km des Etats-Unis>> "

The same is true in Quebec. Alberta probably has the lowest proportion of people within 120km of the US. And so what?
Sigma   Sun Sep 18, 2005 5:10 pm GMT

Por toda la serie de post anteriores yo pienso que tu ves quienes apoyarían verdaderamente la indendencia del Québec, y quienes estarían en contra de ella. No puedo hablar por todos, pero a nosotros aquí en México nos caería de maravilla no ser el único país No Anglofono en América del Norte. Por lo cual el Quebéc cuenta con el apoyo incondicional de la nación Mexicana, (y muy posiblemente también del resto de Latinoamérica).

Nosotros en México no tenemos miedo de tener problemas con los Anglosajones, debido a que ya tenemos muchos problemas con ellos desde tiempos históricos, así que un problema más con ellos poco nos importa.

Viva El Québec Libre
Sander   Sun Sep 18, 2005 5:43 pm GMT
=>Viva El Québec Libre <=

"The hypocritical indignation of Spanish speaking people over the treatment of their Quebecois "cousins" is a laugh when contrasted to their lack of concern over the harsh suppression of language and cultural rights in South America and elsewhere in the world. "
Candy   Sun Sep 18, 2005 5:50 pm GMT
Translation of Sigma's post: (from freetranslation)

<<For all the series of post previous I think that your you see who they would support truly the indendencia of the Quebec, and who they would be against her. I cannot speak for all, but to us here in Mexico would fall us of wonder not to be the only country Not Anglofono in North America. By which the Quebéc counts on the unconditional support of the Mexican nation, (and very possibly also of the remainder of Latin America).

We in Mexico do not be afraid to have problems with the Anglo-saxon, due to that already we have many problems with them historic from times, so a problem more with them little imports us. >>

Sigma says he cannot speak for all, then does anyway - for possibly the whole continent of Latin America!!!
Aldebarán   Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:06 pm GMT
when contrasted to their lack of concern over the harsh suppression of language and cultural rights in South America and elsewhere in the world. " >=

I will respond in the same way that Candy answered in defense of Sander about Québec:

Candy said: Why should he care? He lives in Europe

Then I answer: Why should we care?, we live in America. (The continent)


Yo también soy Mexicano y estoy totalmente de acuerdo con Sigma en lo que concierne al apoyo de México al Québec, los Québecois tienen todo nuestro apoyo. !Viva la nación Québecois!
Sander   Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:07 pm GMT
Candy, that's not a suprise is it? Sigma is just (another) hypocrit.
Sander   Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:13 pm GMT
I will respond in the same way that Candy answered in defense of Sander about Québec:

Candy said: Why should he care? He lives in Europe <=

What are you talking about?!
French   Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:15 pm GMT
that's not a suprise>=

suprise LOOOOOL, that's really a surprise!! LOOOOOL and you are always claming of your perfect English and bothering all the people who can't write it perfect.


Vive Le Québec Libre!

Sébastien n'est pas seul.
Sander   Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:21 pm GMT

I never claim I write perfect English.

=>Vive Le Québec Libre! <=

"The hypocritical indignation of French people over the treatment of their Quebecois cousins is a laugh when contrasted to their lack of concern over the harsh suppression of language and cultural rights in Corsica and Brittany and elsewhere in France. "
French   Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:26 pm GMT

I never claim I write perfect English.

=>Vive Le Québec Libre! <=

"The hypocritical indignation of French people over the treatment of their Quebecois cousins is a laugh when contrasted to their lack of concern over the harsh suppression of language and cultural rights in Corsica and Brittany and elsewhere in France. " >=

You really saved that phrase don't you?
Sander   Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:27 pm GMT
You're not worth the answer.
greg   Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:27 pm GMT
Candy : je ne sais pas si les Québécois veulent "partager" un "continent" avec qui que ce soit. En revanche je suis sûr qu'ils ne "détestent" pas les anglophones. La majorité des Québécois francophones aspire seulement à la liberté. La liberté de vivre leur vie à leur guise, sans dépendre d'une "couronne" qu'ils ne reconnaissent pas et n'ont jamais reconnue. La liberté de faire des choix positifs et de commettre des erreurs dont ils seront les seuls reponsables. La liberté et la fierté d'être indépendants. Ils auraient probablement éprouvé une irrépressible envie de liberté si la puissance tutélaire avait été la République française. Réduire la noble aspiration des Québécois à un sentiment de haine est un raisonnement à courte vue ou un manque de cœur ou, pire, de l'égocentrisme.
Candy   Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:58 pm GMT
<<En revanche je suis sûr qu'ils ne "détestent" pas les anglophones.>>

Then they (or, at least the people posting here: I don't know how representative they are of Québecois opinion) shouldn't act as though they do, sneering at Anglophone culture - or lack thereof, in their opinion.
I just find it extremely ironic that Steve K wrote (a couple of pages upthread):

<<Gallic scorn is usually directed to anyone who is not so keen on speaking French including Flemish speaking Bleigians, German speaking Swiss, and of course English-Canadians.>>

And then Sébastien answers and proves Steve right!! What YOU say, greg, sounds highly reasonable and unobjectionable. But do you not see how unnecessary it is to act so superior to English-speaking Canadians? I for one find it incredibly annoying - and offensive, as I stated.

(What does 'tu fais mouche' mean?)
Uriel   Sun Sep 18, 2005 7:16 pm GMT
Gosh, greg, you must be reading a whole different thread than I am! No hatred or detestation of Anglophones? From what I'm reading, Anglophones are VILE, EVIL, and utterly DETESTABLE creatures oppressing everything that gasps for air between Baffin Bay and Tierra Del Fuego!