Vive Le Quebec libre

Candy   Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:53 pm GMT
<<Why don't you accept this: If you opposed the independence of Québec is because your enormous Anglo pride (inherit of course from England). >>

*Of course*, from England. Thanks a lot, Sigma. If it's not the US that's responsible for all ills in the world, blame 'England'. Do you have ANY idea what you're talking about?

<<I'm sick an tired of all this issue. >>

You and me both, buddy. I'm sick and tired of all the hatred aimed at English-speakers on this forum. I'm sick and tired of all the nationalistic 'Latin' crap. I'm sick and tired of feeling like 'the enemy'. I'm sick and tired of people hijacking a language forum to spout their hatred and stupid prejudices.
J'EN AI MARRE. Can we please, please, please stop this infantile name-calling and idiocy?
Sander   Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:55 pm GMT
=>If there's one Nation that has the right to be independent that is Québec<=

Really?! Are the quebecois in constant danger? Is the Canadian army patrolling the streets? Is the Quebecois resistance firing rockets at Ottawa? Do the Quebecois blow themselves up in busses out of pure dispear?!

There's a list with a lot of peoples that deserve an independant country, but if Quebec is even on that list, it surely is one of the last.
Glarmed Up   Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:57 pm GMT
<<I don't have to learn that.

De Gaulle was an ignorant nationalist.>>

Yes Sander. De Gaulle did nothing right. Only wrong things.
And you don't think in black and white.

Congratulation. You're perfect.
Sander   Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:03 pm GMT
I never said that, Hitler was an horrible man too , but he did some good things too.So did Napoleon.
Sigma   Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:04 pm GMT
Of course*, from England. Thanks a lot, Sigma. If it's not the US that's responsible for all ills in the world, blame 'England'. Do you have ANY idea what you're talking about?

Of course I KNOW what I'm talking about Candy (Estoy harto también, J'en ai marre aussi);

Guerre de Sept Ans (Amérique du Nord)
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Durant la guerre de Sept Ans, l'Angleterre et la France s'affrontent en Amérique du Nord de 1754 à 1763. Les Français sont alliés à la majorité des tribus indiennes.

Montcalm, commandant les troupes françaises au Canada, est tué au combat en 1759. Québec et Montréal tombent.

Le Traité de Paris (1763) met fin à ce conflit à la suite duquel la France perd la quasi-totalité de ses colonies en Amérique du Nord. La disparition de la menace française sur les colonies britanniques, qui n'ont alors plus besoin de la protection des troupes britanniques, est à la source de la Guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis.

Récupérée de « »

There's a list with a lot of peoples that deserve an independant country, but if Quebec is even on that list, it surely is one of the last.

Keep dreaming Sander in by your logic thus the Netherlands should become German Land, because some Germans consider Dutch as a dialect of German and your cultures shares a lot, besides the Netherlands as a province of Germany it will be more powerfull in both economic and political issues so it must become German Land according to your "logic".
Sigma   Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:07 pm GMT
If it's not the US that's responsible for all ills in the world

The US is not responsible for all the ills in the world there's a lot of countries to blame for it. England is inside the TOP TEN list.
Sander   Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:09 pm GMT
=>=>There's a list with a lot of peoples that deserve an independant country, but if Quebec is even on that list, it surely is one of the last. <=

Keep dreaming Sander in by your logic thus the Netherlands should become German Land, because some Germans consider Dutch as a dialect of German and your cultures shares a lot, besides the Netherlands as a province of Germany it will be more powerfull in both economic and political issues so it must become German Land according to your "logic". <=

By my logic?! What logic explain yourself Sigma.

And I don't care what the Germans think of Dutch, they can't understand me when I speak and if they'd try to make the Netherlands 'German land' they would have to face the Dutch army.
Sigma   Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:11 pm GMT
And I don't care what the Germans think of Dutch, they can't understand me when I speak and if they'd try to make the Netherlands 'German land' they would have to face the Dutch army.

Well I don't think the Dutch army would a problem for the mighty German army.
Sander   Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:13 pm GMT
Still waiting for "my logic" Sigma,
Sigma   Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:14 pm GMT
La Conquête par le Traité de Paris
en un clin d’œil,
mettant fin à la Guerre de Sept Ans.

Vingt-sept articles composent le traité rédigé en français, dont voici l’essentiel.

Géographie politique :
La France cède à l’Angleterre
la Nouvelle-France (« quelques arpents de neige qui ne valent pas les os d’un grenadier français » [Voltaire]) ;
l’Acadie ;
Terre-Neuve ;
l’île du Cap-Breton et la rive gauche du Mississippi (le reste de la Louisiane est donné à l’Espagne).
La France conserve toutefois
les îles de Saint-Pierre et de Miquelon « pour faire sécher son poisson […] [et] pour servir d’abri aux pêcheurs français » [Lacoursière, 1:1995, p. 343, 346]

Nouveau nom :
Dans une proclamation royale la Nouvelle-France est rebaptisée « The Province of Quebec », laquelle devient la quinzième colonie de l’Amérique du Nord britannique.

Ententes et engagements :
Prisonniers :
Libération de « tous les prisonniers faits de part et d’autre tant par terre que par mer, et les otages enlevés ou donnés, pendant la guerre, et jusqu’à ce jour, seront restitués sans rançon dans six semaines au plus tard, à compter du jour de l’échéance de la ratification du présent traité ». [Lacoursière, 1:1995, p. 345]
Religion :
L’Angleterre renonce à imposer au Québec le protestantisme en échange de la liberté religieuse accordée aux huguenots français (liberté de pratiquer la religion catholique selon le rite de l’Église romaine « en tant que le permettent les lois de la Grande-Bretagne »).
Conservation des droits et possessions :
L’Angleterre s’engage à ne pas déporter les Canadiens français et à ne leur faire subir aucun mauvais traitement, à autoriser tous les Français qui le désirent de quitter le Canada pour la France avec toutes leurs possessions.
Les Canadiens français seront autorisés à conserver leurs terres et de poursuivre la traite des fourrures au même titre que les Anglais.
Les devises :
La livre sterling devient la devise monétaire officielle [mais de nombreuses transactions se feront aussi en argent provincial de Nouvelle-Écosse, en dollars américains, en dollars espagnols, en pièces d’or américaines, etc.].

Contraintes :
Serments :
Londres « exige le serment d’allégeance à la couronne britannique […] [et] le serment du Test [reniement du pape, de la transsubstantiation et du culte de la Vierge] de tous les fonctionnaires de la colonie. Les gouverneurs, cependant, n’appliqueront pas ce décret afin de gagner le clergé à la collaboration » [Bergeron, p. 58.].
Restrictions territoriales :
Les territoires au nord-ouest d’Ottawa constituent un territoire de chasse interdit à la colonisation.

En suspens :
Non réglé :
Les frontières ne sont pas précisées.
Aucune entente sur le remboursement de la monnaie de papier. [La France décidera en 1771 de ne pas rembourser ses dettes envers la Nouvelle-France.]
Incertitude quant à la nomination d’un évêque.
Aucune stipulation quant à l’administration de la justice et les structures administratives.

Conséquences :
Les têtes dirigeantes :
La noblesse et les commerçants d’envergure quittent la Nouvelle-France.


I know what I'm talking about Candy
Sigma   Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:18 pm GMT

You make irony because you said Québec is not abused and the French Canadians are in a privilegiated situation in which they can enjoy a lot of benefits isn't it?

Thus they don't deserve a Indendence country compared with the people that suffers and really deserves it isn't it?

Thus if an independent country must be created in the concept of "wealthy" then the Netherland must not be allowed to be independent because as a German Province they will enjoy more benefits in political (more importance in International affairs) social and economical aspects.
Guest   Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:18 pm GMT
"MY LOGIC" Sigma ... come on explain yourself, 'you know what you're talking about' don't you? Well tell me because I sure as hell do have a clue.
Sigma   Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:22 pm GMT
'you know what you're talking about' don't you?

I know what I'm talking about when it comes to England and her fault "for stealing the New France (Canada) from France" not when it comes to you Sander.
Sander   Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:25 pm GMT
=>You make irony because you said Québec is not abused and the French Canadians are in a privilegiated situation in which they can enjoy a lot of benefits isn't it? <=

Yes, I did.

=>Thus they don't deserve a Indendence country compared with the people that suffers and really deserves it isn't it? <=

If you want to speak in terms like 'I deserve it more than you' then yes, there are loads of people and minorities that deserve freedom and indepdance much more than Quebec, in fact , most of these people are actually fighting for their independance instead of whining for attencion.

=>Thus if an independent country must be created in the concept of "wealthy" then the Netherland must not be allowed to be independent because as a German Province they will enjoy more benefits in political (more importance in International affairs) social and economical aspects. <=

Why, by this "logic" (YOUR LOGIC) Mexico should join the USA....

Besides the Netherlands are , and always have been heavily ingaged in foreign affairs.And we have all the resourches we need for a wealthy and good society, in fact we outpreform Germany (and Mexico*) every day.

*He, if you try to denigrade my country. You can expect the same in return.
Sander   Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:26 pm GMT
=>I know what I'm talking about when it comes to England and her fault "for stealing the New France (Canada) from France" not when it comes to you Sander. <=

Did they steal it Sigma?From who? From a bunch of French colonialists who stole it from the natives themselves? You really are a hypocrit.