Vive Le Quebec libre

Important reminder   Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:51 pm GMT
Trolls can set out to start arguments by posting "flamebait" topics. "Flamebait" is a subject that people feel strongly about and which almost always causes sharp divisions in viewpoint.
Trolls may participate in the ensuing argument, or they may simply write "Drive-by Postings". That is to say, they will ignite the flame war and then sit back and watch the show.

The only way to deal with trolls is to limit your reaction to reminding others not to respond to trolls.
Troll Patroll   Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:57 pm GMT
So would you say Sander when flame-baiting Latins is a troll?
Sander   Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:59 pm GMT
=>And you, do you have sympathy about the independantists of Hawai, Alaska or Louisiana ? <=

And you, do you have sympathy for the independance activists of Bretagne, or Corsica!?
bernard   Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:07 pm GMT
=>And you, do you have sympathy about the independantists of Hawai, Alaska or Louisiana ? <=

And you, do you have sympathy for the independance activists of Bretagne, or Corsica!?

Of course not, for he simple reason that independance activists in Brittain or Corsica don't represent more people than in Hawai, Alaska, porto Rico or Wisconsin I have no more reson to support them than SteveK to support Hawaian or Alaskaian ones...
Tiffany   Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:15 pm GMT
Shouldn't the questin be: "Do you support all independence activists, or are you selective?"

I would further ask, "If you are selective, what is your criteria for selecting?"

FYI: Independence is spelled with an "e" in English, not "independance"
bernard   Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:17 pm GMT
FYI: Independence is spelled with an "e" in English, not "independance"

Thank you Tiffany, I din't know, I was thinking the spelling was same than in french ! ;)

"Do you support all independence activists, or are you selective?"

Since these movements represent a minority of the region's population I personally don't support any independentist movement - it is a question that concern only the concerned region and the country that includes it.
When more than 50% of a region's population wants independence and is refused by the country "owner", it becomes to be a question of domination of one people over an other - and in this case I think that the UN and the people of other country have the right to express themselves.
The case of Quebec is limit, but since only 49% of people express independence I don't have to express. If one day the number goes to 51, and if Canaa refuse indep. I will protest and support indep. activits.
The same way, if in Cordica one day 51% of people claim indep. I will be for giving them this liberty. But now only 10% wants it, so I don't support them.
Guest   Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:22 pm GMT
sorry for mistakes, too quick
Tiffany   Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:32 pm GMT
I see, thank you for answering that. My views are slightly different, but do border yours in many ways.
Geoff_One   Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:28 am GMT
criterion -> singular
criteria -> plural
Sébastien   Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:01 pm GMT
"I consider de Gaulle's speech to be the inexcusable act of an ignorant self-important pig, particularly in view of that fact that only 23 years earlier many thousands of Canadians died on the beaches of Normandy in the ultimate act of solidarity with France and its people. "

Ici encore, on ne va pas être d'accord, Steve!

Pour moi, De Gaulle est de loin le plus grand homme politique du XXème siècle, tous pays confondus. Certes, il avait ses excès et un fort tempérament, mais cela comme toutes les grandes figures qui ont fait l'Histoire. Pas la peine de se demander pourquoi aucun canadien n'a marqué l'histoire...

"an ignorant self-important pig".
Peut-on savoir ce qui t'autorise, toi Steve K, citoyen canadien lambda, à tenir de tels propos sur un homme qui a sauvé l'honneur de la France en 1945, sauvé son pays de la Guerre Civile en 1962, initié la réconciliation franco-allemande, construit la France moderne, etc. ?

Quant à son discours, il est pour moi le symbole de la renaissance et surtout de la reconnaissance de notre nation. Pour la première fois, le monde entier a entendu parler du Québec; pour la première fois, le monde a su qu'il existait une communauté francophone en Amérique. Ceci n'est pas rien.

Son discours ne s'adressait pas aux anglophones, mais aux québécois.
De toutes manières, De Gaulle n'avait pas traversé l'Atlantique pour rencontrer le gouvernement fédéral canadien, Non! il était venu pour parler au peuple québécois!

Ceci dit, je peux comprendre que ce discours ait choqué des populations anglophones plus habituées au politiquement correct et à langue de bois de leurs dirigeants...
Sander   Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:04 pm GMT

The man was a nationalistic fool.
Candy   Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:08 pm GMT
<<Son discours ne s'adressait pas aux anglophones, mais aux québécois. >>

What about anglophone Quebecers?

<<Peut-on savoir ce qui t'autorise, toi Steve K, citoyen canadien lambda, à tenir de tels propos sur un homme qui a sauvé l'honneur de la France en 1945, sauvé son pays de la Guerre Civile en 1962, initié la réconciliation franco-allemande, construit la France moderne, etc. ? >>

Oh yes, God forbid that Steve should have an opinion on anything.
Glarmed Up   Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:11 pm GMT
Sander, learn to think in shades of grey instead of thinking in black and white.
Sander   Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:19 pm GMT
Glarmed Up ,

I don't have to learn that.

De Gaulle was an ignorant nationalist.
Sigma   Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:35 pm GMT
I'm sick an tired of all this issue.

If there's one Nation that has the right to be independent that is Québec, there are a lot of historical, political, social, and economical facts that cannot be denied, Québecois here and the Français also tried to explain and argue but you don't listen to them only refute their arguments without proving the contrary.

Why don't you accept this: If you opposed the independence of Québec is because your enormous Anglo pride (inherit of course from England).

According to some date in Wikipedia there were some "underground activities "the very same day of the last r eferendum in Québec such as:

"The statistics compiled by the analysts of Citizenship and Immigration Canada demonstrate that some 43 855 new Quebecers obtained their Canadian citizenship in the year of 1995. About one fourth of these (11429) were given during the month of October. It was the first time that Quebec residents received more citizenship certificates than Ontario residents. It has not occurred again since. Looking into the data for a longer period of time, we see that the increase in certificate attributions jumped by 87% between 1993 and 1995. The year of 1996 saw a drop of 39% in the attributions of citizenship certificates."

"In 1998, PQ militants from the Montreal region brought a list of 100 000 names before the DGEQ. According to them, the 100 000 voters were registered on the electoral list for the 1995 referendum but were not registered with the Régie de l'Assurance-Maladie du Québec (RAMQ), the Quebec public health insurer. After exhaustive verifications, the DGEQ found that 56 000 out of the 100 000 did not have the right to vote and should be removed from the list in the future.

The same year, PQ militants from the Eastern Townships region also brought a case of referendum fraud before the DGEQ. As a result of the inquiry, 32 foreign students studying at Bishop's University in Lennoxville were fined after being found guilty of voting illegally in 1995."

I'm starting to think that they "Yes" independant movement won the referendum but thanks to the "wonders of modern democracy" it was defeated.