Does Russian sounds like Portuguese?

Miguel and Felipe   Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:21 pm GMT
Well, we are Brazilian and definitely our language is not a mixture of Italian and French. However, when we were in the States and people heard us talking in Portuguese they always asked if we were from Russia. Personally we don’t believe it’s true, but maybe it’s like Chinese and Japanese, people think they sound alike, but just those who aren’t familiar with one of those languages. Even though we’ve never heard Russians talking…
Aszykbajew   Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:52 am GMT
Aszykbajew   Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:57 am GMT
Now there's some question in another forum:

Now I can't tell which among the Romance languages sound more Slavic.

By phonology, Portuguese can sound like Russian, Polish, Bulgarian or Albanian.

Broadcast Romanian has some Slavic vocabulary, yet sounding a bit more like Italian apart from a few Slavic sounds.
alex NAVARRO   Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:10 pm GMT
I once attended a conference in which the majority of attendees were Brazilians and in one instance, there was a Portuguese lecturer. There was a lof of comments and interesting remarks amongst the Brazilians. Some of them inquired who had made the mistake of having a Spanish lecturer without a translator and others had the impression of that the person was speaking Portuguese with a heavy Spanish accent!!!
Amazing. Also, whenever I had conversations with them about Portugal (my wife is Portuguese so I know a thing or two about this country), they replied with a certain air of curiosity: Portugal, yes, I would love to visit Spain some day or Yes, I have heard it's a nice place.
Needless to say, these were ver affluent business men.

Now, that was interesting.
J.C.   Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:19 pm GMT
"There was a lof of comments and interesting remarks amongst the Brazilians. Some of them inquired who had made the mistake of having a Spanish lecturer without a translator and others had the impression of that the person was speaking Portuguese with a heavy Spanish accent!!! "

This sounds interesting but I wonder if the people who said that did it based on a total lack of knowledge about the Spanish language or just wanted to make fun of the Portuguese. I must confess I have, sometimes, difficulties understanding European Portuguese due to NO CONTACT with Portuguese people but I know exactly how European Portuguese sounds and it isn't even close to Spanish.

Unfortunately there's a lot of intolerance towards Portugal and the Portuguese and that might be due to the fact that there isn't much contact with Portuguese people, at least not in Rio de Janeiro. Also, there is a widespread misconception whereby all Portuguese are ignorant and "padeiros", which isn't the kind of people I have met so far.

rep   Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:58 pm GMT
Portuguese "r" sounds like French or German "r",not like Russian "r";portuguese "ch" sounds like French " ch", there isn't sound tch in European Portuguese,like in Russian (Russian has "shtch" sound,Portuguese not).
Portuguese has nothing common with Russian.
Aszykbajew   Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:52 am GMT
To rep:

Portuguese r is highly variable depending on position.

r- or -rr- will have the French/German r sound. To untrained ears, it can sound a bit like Russian/Polish ch.

-r- will have a flapped or possibly trilled sound, like in Polish or Russian.

-r can be dropped in native words, trilled/flapped in recent loanwords.

In Northern Portugal, this might be the case that they have no cz but sz sound.

In Lisbon, Bustos might be pronounced as "buszcz" (like mangled pronunciation of borszcz) and fritos might sound like "fricz".
odioso   Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:04 am GMT
¿Qué más da? Los dos idiomas son igual de repugnantes.
leao   Sat Aug 01, 2009 7:05 pm GMT
It seems to me that Croatian or SErbian are easier to pronounce than Czech.....
Evinória   Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:22 am GMT
Eu como brasileira, filha de portugueses, posso dizer que gosto muito do sotaque português. Na verdade essa história de que brasileiros não entendem portugueses, se deve apenas ao fato de que os brasileiros não são tão expostos à bela cultura portuguêsa, quanto o são os portugueses à cultura brasileira.

No Brasil ainda existe, infelizmente um grande estigma de que portugueses são em geral padeiros e operários que vêm nos roubar empregos. Mas isso é absurdo! Meus pais têm muito o que agradecer ao Brasil, pois realmente quando aqui chegaram, encontraram muitas oportunidades, muitas coisas boas.

Minha mãe me fala que os Portugueses no fundo gostam muito dos brasileiros. A maioria pelo menos, sentem uma leve ponta de nostalgia ao falar em Brasil, se sentem em casa quando estão aqui! E os brasileiros igualmente o fazem em Portugal! A relação é diferente da existente entre UK e USA! Não permitam que pessoas que não conhecem as nossas culturas tão ricas, acabem com a amizade que aos poucos está sendo construída entre nossos Países!

Eu acho o Português Europeu muito belo e forte! O Português Americano (do Brasil), é belo não pelo Padrão, porque não existe ainda um PADRÃO DE PORTUGUÊS BRASILEIRO, mas pela sua diversidade. Acho que as pessoas que reclamam do Brasil neste fórum, deveriam conhecer mais nossa cultura, as coisas boas que criamos para a Humanidade e os milhões de compatriotas deles que aqui vivem!

Da mesma forma o Portugal! A maioria dos brasileiros se sente mal, quando ouve algum estrangeiro falar mal do Portugal! Porque somos como nações irmãs, apesar de Portugal ter nos explorado no passado! Mas éramos colônia portuguêsa, não podería ser de outra forma!

Por favor, discutam como pessoas civilizadas e educadas! Não há necessidade de denegrir Países aqui! Portugal não é uma terrinha feia e fria de pessoas ignorantes! Parem!!!! Portugal é um País que apesar do tamanho está se superando! Infelizmente alguns portugueses vêm ao Brasil cometer crimes, mas isso acontece com brasileiros que vão a Portugal cometer crimes também!

Parem de julgar Países que vocês não conhecem! Portugal e Brasil estão entre os melhores Países do Mundo! E isso não tem a ver com dinheiro, mas com os valores de seu povo! Tudo que vocês ouvem sobre o Brasil são Músicas com letras pornográficas? Violência? Favelas? Pobres?

Pois permitam-se conhecer o verdadeiro Brasil! Que não é vítima de interesses mesquinhos! Um Brasil de classe média, que cresce, que diminui sua pobreza mais que qualquer País no Mundo, que respeita Portugal e tenta se aproximar de sua "Nação Mãe", que tem Bossa Nova, MPB, Capoeira, Pagode, Forró e Samba como rítmos e não músicas pornográficas! Um Brasil que reivindica seus direitos e que um dia irá ajudar a Humanidade em muitas coisas, com suas águas abundantes, suas florestas e seu povo tão hospitaleiro e gentil!

E os portugueses? Ahhh eu amo Portugal! Que País incrível, de cultura tão forte, povo forte e culto! Adoro Portugal! Infelizmente idiotas existem em toda parte, e em Portugal, Brasil, USA, França ou seja onde for! Portanto atenham-se nos temas do Fórum, que são as línguas, mas por favor, deixem esses Países em paz porque vocês não conhecem nada sobre eles!
DOREMI   Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:24 am GMT
fredro   Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:16 pm GMT
Nobody seems to have said WHY Russian sounds like Portuguese. Speaking the former, but not the latter, I'd say it's basically because of the number of 'sh' sounds in both languages, plus, perhaps, some vowel similarities. I find more intriguing the similarities between Portuguese and Catalan, despite much-louder and more-staccato Castilian Spanish-speaking Spain being between Portugal and Catalonia. All Romance languages, of course....
fredro   Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:41 pm GMT
Re dialects and mutual incomprehension in the UK. There's a brilliant series made in Scotland called 'Rab C. Nesbitt'. The eponymous main character is a (usually drunk, mostly unemployed) layabout living in a poor part of Glasgow, but who makes superb, trenchant philosophical comments to camera. In one episode, visiting his posh brother in London, and wanting 'ra baroo' (the employment exchange) to claim his dole, he's sent to 'the city', and ends up in the City, London's equivalent of Wall Street. There he asks a brollied and bowlered City gent: "'Scuse me, pal; d'ye ken whaur ah kin fin' the local baroo? Ah'm wan'in' tae claim mah dole." This was registered, in a Standard English subtitle, as: "Excuse me, sir. Do you have any idea where I might find the nearest Employment Exchange? I want to collect my unemployment benefit."
The gent (who has not seen the subtitle, of course) replies in upper-class tones: "I'm frightfully sorry, old chap, but I don't quite understand what you're trying to say." This - a BRILLIANT touch by the writer Ian Pattison - was ALSO subtitled, as: "Sorry, pal. Ah dinna ken whit ye're on aboo'."
English, myself, when (a) I first left my home-town for Birmingham, 60 miles away, at age 20, the first local I spoke to had to repeat himself three times before I understood his directions - from his gestures; (b) the same thing happened 7 years later, when I moved to Glasgow. Later, I could speak/understand both languages (sorry, dialects) fluently, but it took time....
Robert.   Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:42 pm GMT
Portugese does NOT sound like Russian.
I am a native russian speaker, and I've heard Portugese before, and they don't sound the same.
Catita   Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:47 pm GMT
Eu como brasileira filha de italianos e índios só posso repetir o que já foi dito: o progresso do Brasil só começou com a chegada dos italianos no Brasil.
É vero! Além do mais, a palavra português é sinônimo de ''pessoa burra, pouco inteligente''.