Does Russian sounds like Portuguese?

Tenerife   Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:15 am GMT
Brazilians like Spain much better than Portugal.

Brazilians are closer to Spanish (happy, smiling) than to Portuguese (melancholic, sad). Spanish beaches are great, just like Brazilian.
Portuguese beaches are terrible, and the water is cold.

Hispano-brasileños son los ciudadanos brasileños que tengan algún tipo de ascendencia española.

Se calcula que en la actualidad viven en Brasil unos 20 millones[1] de hispano-brasileños, descendientes sobre todo de la inmigración masiva de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX pero también de los que penetraron en Brasil durante la unificación de España y Portugal y durante las disputas coloniales por la zona sur del país. El español es el quinto ancestro más numeroso dentro de la formación étnica de Brasil, detrás del portugués, africano, indígena e italiano y delante del alemán, árabe y japonés.

A diferencia de otros grupos étnicos de Brasil como alemanes, japoneses o italianos, los hispano-brasileños se integraron tan rápidamente en la sociedad brasileña que apenas han conseguido dejar una huella de sus características nacionales. Incluso es muy difícil discernir el origen hispánico de muchos ya que estos tienen origen gallego o se han aportuguesado los apellidos[2].

La mayoría de los españoles que entraron en Brasil entre 1880 y 1930 se trasladaron al interior del Estado de São Paulo (entre un 66% y un 78%)y el resto a Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Pará, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul y Paraná.

Las regiones de origen predominantes fueron Galicia (en las ciudades) y Andalucia (en las regiones cafetaleras). Teniendo en cuenta esto podemos extraer algún dato interesante o como minímo curioso:

* Uno de cada 4 habitantes del estado de São Paulo tiene, al menos, un antepasado español.
* La aglomeración urbana de São Paulo tiene tantos españoles como el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona.
* La mayor ciudad andaluza no es Sevilla si no São Paulo.
* Uno de cada diez habitantes de Salvador de Bahia tiene algún tipo de ascendencia gallega.

Celebridades Brasileñas Descendientes de Españoles :

* Heitor Villa-Lobos
* Nélida Piñón
* Daniella Sarahyba
* Emílio Garrastazu Médici
* Ivete Sangalo
* José de Anchieta
* Luciana Gimenez
* Raul Cortez
* Daniela Perez
* Drauzio Varella
* Débora Duarte
* Glória Pérez
* Milene Domingues
* Paloma Duarte
* Vera Gimenez
Guest3   Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:35 am GMT

you're so freaking stupid!

You're mixing up language with ethnicity!

Europeans are White/Europeans regardless of being nordic or mediterranean, westerns or easterns!

Within Europe there are languages stemming from latin which is the case of Italian, French, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish. But the French, the Italians, the Portuguese, and even the Spaniards are considered White/European people in terms of race.

But language dos not define ethnicity! Only retarded people like you think that way.

Latin America is a mix of Indian, Mulato and White/European. It's incredible that you are a latino and dont know these general concepts!

Lalipop   Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:40 am GMT
Why are there freaken Spanish speakers participating in this forum?

This is not about spanish. There are other forums that you can participate in for that matter.

Who the hell cares about the spanish economy!??

And who cares about whether the brazilian like spain or not?

I spent some time in Marseille,France, and the few times I went to spain were bad experiences. On the other end, I enjoyed my weekend in Lisbon!

And taking about brazilians in Spain, when I was in Europe, Madrid was sending a bunch of tourists back to Brazil on daily basis....brazilians dont seem to be very welcome in spain.

Guest3   Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:49 am GMT
Why are you guys comparing brazil to any country of europe. Even the poorest country of all europe is better than brazil. Come guys must comapare apples to apples!

And besides, there are a lot of countries in Latin America way better than Brazil in every way:

BRAZIL LAND OF DIRT   Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:55 am GMT

* Over half live in urban areas.

* 52% do not have canalized water.

* 68% have no garbage collection.

* 78% do not have proper sewage connections or septic tanks.

* 25% do not have electricity.

* 74% live in households where the head of the household has less than four years of schooling.

I dont get where does the pride of Brazil come from!
I guess that you guys smile to forget about the sad reality of your country.
Keep on smiling....that may fix things in a few hundred years!
Francisco   Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:04 am GMT
The French/Italians/Portuguese/50%Candians/Romanians all speak latin based languages. But they are all white in terms of ethnicity.

At least according to USA census, they are all considered white. Brazilians fall into the category of Latinos in terms of race due to their mix of indian/back/european and their geographical situation.

I m not sure about Spaniards though, but I believe they're considered white as well.

Anyways, this is to say that Italians are not latinos.
Chico-Vigo   Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:19 am GMT

GuessWhat   Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:22 am GMT
blah blah blah you guys are a bunch of IDIOTS!

Have you noticed that the question of the forum has nothing to do with your discussions?

Wake up!
Joao   Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:28 pm GMT
Trolls doing spam all the time.
brasileiro   Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:46 pm GMT
<<The French/Italians/Portuguese/50%Candians/Romanians all speak latin based languages. But they are all white in terms of ethnicity.

At least according to USA census, they are all considered white. Brazilians fall into the category of Latinos in terms of race due to their mix of indian/back/european and their geographical situation.

I m not sure about Spaniards though, but I believe they're considered white as well.

Anyways, this is to say that Italians are not latinos.


Southern Italians, which are the ones who migrated to USA are not white, and the portuguese are not white as well. The Portuguese have a lot of black blood for european standards unlike the Spanish. In central-southern Portugal they have up to 25% of black blood due to the period in which Portugal monopolized the slave trade. Many of these slaves didn't reach the Brazilian shores but were bough by the rich Portuguese. Eventually these blacks mixed with the local population in Portugal. Look at some of the genetic studie that corroborate this if you don't believe me.
brasileiro   Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:53 pm GMT
Gonzalez et al. (2003), a study which Refuting Racial Myths had access to for some time, is the most recent genetic study and the one that used the largest sample. It included the samples used by Pereira et al. (2000). From Gonzalez et al, we find out that the Northern Portuguese sample had 3,3% Negroid mtDNA, the Central Portuguese sample had 6,8% and the Southern Portuguese sample had 10,6%.
What one can and should assume is that the Southern Portuguese sample does indeed have the highest percentage of Negroid mtDNA ever found in a European sample.

So the Portuguese are not white, are a mixture of black and white like the mulattos in Brazil. Look at Cristiano Ronaldo, Jose Socrates, Durao Barroso, Saramago, etc... they look mulatto indeed.
Helena   Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:15 pm GMT
Cristiano Ronaldo looks gay.
Lalipop   Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:18 pm GMT


You guys are so clueless! Of course the Portuguese are White along with Spanish, Italians, and French. Yes, there is a lot of non-European people in Portugal with the heavy flow of Brazilians, Africans immigrants, but the pure Portuguese is obviously white.

In fact, if when you see a white in Portugal, his or her Portuguese sounds like russian...(no offense volks!...just the way it sounds)

The same happens with France. Although there is a heavy presence of Arabs and Africans in France, the country still is White.

And the same happens with Italy with Albanians and Africans, and with the UK and Indians, and so on.

I guess with the globalization, there'll be a point where people will be a mix of everything.
to brasileiro   Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:23 pm GMT
Many of those folks you mentioned are not even from Portuguese mainland.

For instance, Christino Ronaldo is from Madeira, which stands for Portugal the same way Hawaii stands for the USA. Not quite the same thing.

And my experience in Portugal tell me that the only non-white people in portugal were immigrants, the majority of the cases being immigrants from brazil and african countries.

You go to germany/france and the same thing happens. european countries have a lot of people from all over the world.
Guest   Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:27 pm GMT
basileiro....voces e mesmo burro, neh?

O estudo que voces mencionou e de 2003. Se voce fizer of mesmo estudo em outros paises da europa, eu duvido que portugal seja o pais com mais influencia de imigracao de cor.

Com certeza, voce nunca foi a Franca ou a Inglaterra, onde a populacao muda a cada dia que passa por causa da diversidade de imigracao.