what are the practical steps to speak english fluently

Victor Michael   Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:50 am GMT
Hello everyone!
Actually I am enjoying reading your post messages in this site. I am also one of the people who can't speak in english fluently when I was just in high school even though I am studying this language. Actually even you don't have an english speaking environment you can learn this language all you need is a book, a dictionary and a pen. I also recommend that you watch english movies and preferrably a DVD movie where you can read what these actors are saying, I am suggesting this so you become familiar with their accent, I have spoken to people from Malaysia, Singapore, and China this is possible due to the nature of my work, all of them speak with me in english but it is also hard to understand if they don't adapt the accent of the language they are speaking. Earlier I suggest that one of the things that you need is a book and of course it is a book that teaches you how to speak fluently or actally how to use the language correctly. When choosing a book you should look for a book that teaches the basic or the elementary of english language. I also suggest that you prepare your dictionary I suggest that you use a computer and install a software I suggest that you install the Encarta 2007, in this dictionary you can hear how the word is pronounced and you will going to see how to use these words as adjectives or use the same word as a verb or a noun, I also suggest that you have a pen with you everytime you hear or read something that is not familiar with you write it down on a piece of paper - one of my hint is that when you cannot define a word write it down also you should not give the words meaning based on how you become familiar with the words when you've heard a specific word you should be able to define it based on the dictionary. Thats all for this moment if you want to ask me further just post it and im willing to answer with all my knowledge! Have a nice day.
sanjay   Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:22 am GMT
could u please suggest me some english grammer book.
sanjay   Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:27 am GMT
I am in need of a friend on this site, who is good at english, with whom i could ask my queries, if there is any, and also he/she ask her/his qury in the same way.
sanjay   Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:30 am GMT
hi puja gaidhani,

there is only one way out to remove your hesitation, speak in front of miror as loudly as u can.
najwa   Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:24 pm GMT
hi every one


the only way to make the vocabularys stick in your mind is : practice the languge with others outside the home or with yourself alone
usa   Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:54 pm GMT
hello.. even though i read alittle of your comments, i got a lot of practical advices. especially from you pete. thank you for every body
Boy   Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:38 am GMT
Pair-taping is an exciting activity to develop fluency. I benefited a lot from this long before stumbling across this article: Have a look at it:

Leena   Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:10 am GMT
the method of speaking to yourself in english doesnt work,its nonsense.really i cant stay and talk to myself for several reasons.First its like going crazy.Second,there is not gonna be a dialogue which is an important step in achieving fluency.Third,no one is gonna correct ur mistakes so u would repeat the same wrongs and then it doesnt make a sense so bring some english or native guys and speak with them.i actually have no such people in my community but i try to communicte with them through the net.
vinodh   Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:12 pm GMT
Hi i like to talk english very much. i always prepare how to talk stylishly and with expression but when i am in the stage i drop all of it and do worst of me. i feel angry about me after that. so how can i create boldness and to face any stage.
Guest   Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:03 pm GMT
>>so how can i create boldness and to face any stage.<<

Be John Malkovich.
Victor Michael   Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:53 am GMT
I would like to recommend something have you read my suggestion at the top? All you need is to study the basics. first grab a book that teaches you the basics and have a computer infront of you equiped with Encarta and refer to the encarta's dictionary if there is a word that is not familiar with you.
Leena   Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:34 am GMT
Vic M
I have a question:
have u tried to learn from songs lyrics? i have just started doing so.like the way of movies, i get the lyrics and hear the song.Sometimes i repeat some phrases and sentences that could be spoken.What do u think? tell me ur suggestions folks!
praveen   Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:41 pm GMT
hi friend, i'm praveen
i'm 20
i'm indian from hyderabad
how can i improve my speaking inglish
Victor Michael   Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:15 am GMT
Hi Leena,
Leena I don't suggest that you study the english language by singing an english song maybe you could pick some of the words that are not familiar to you and reffer to the dictionary I suggest the Encarta on your Personal Computer or open this site http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/dictionary.html. Unless you wanted to have a singing career on the near future I would suggest that you begin with lyrics then voice lessons and look for a good mentor or singer. If you are really interested and willing to learn the english language excert effort and patience and focus yourself. You should reffer on books and note story books like harry potter will not teach how but its a nice hobby to read english story books you will learn how the sentences are composed and its a nice material to pick some unfamiliar words and develop your vocabulary. You should look for books like English Communcation Skills basics which covers subjects like parts of speech like noun verb interjection etc, and topics like idioms or idiomatic expressions where the phrases do not have a literal meanings like for example "put your money where your mouth is" which means = to take action to show that you truly mean what you have said, if you heard these words from movies or heard it from songs do you think you can learn the english language? you know what? you will end up with a lot of confussions. and I would suggest if you have the time to enroll on english subjects enroll yourself. Leena english language is not like learning a certain song that you memorize the words and sing it. Believe it or not there are rules in writing the language and certain rules to speak on this language. One thing Leena even professional including me are not aware on all of these rules. I don't suggest also that you learn from english movies they often speak of slang words where you should not begin with sometimes you will not find these words at the dictionary. Just ask me again and I am willing to answer!
Mitali roy   Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:56 am GMT
I am a teacher of a international school . But i am very poor in spoken English and also in modern english.so what can I do?This is very importent to me.Please please please send me a answer queicly.