And please explain to me French,what is the purpose of you being here?
And please explain to me French,what is the purpose of you being here?
forum franco-hispanique / foro hispano-frances
And please explain to me French,what is the purpose of you being here?
And please explain to me French,what is the purpose of you being here?
The same pourpouse that you have here. Screw everybodys (especially germanic) life
Look at your English...
=>The same pourpouse* that you have here. Screw** everybodys***(especially germanic) life <= *Purpose ,It just stood in my previous message... **Verb form; Screwing up ***Plural , Y becomes IE = everybodies.
Thanks for the corrections Sander. I need to improve my english is true.
But remember I live in a latin country, a third world country and I don't speak english at all the language of the educated and civilizated world. I appreciate your help really I do.
Ah, nothing is more cute than a Frenchman trying to be ironic...
And keeping in mind that you appreciate my help I'll do it again: =>Thanks for the corrections Sander. I need to improve my english is* true. But remember I live in a latin country, a third world country and I don't speak english at all the language of the educated and civilizated world. <= *'that is' or 'that's' One mistake this time.Great! Those dictionaries really help don't they?!
Ah, nothing is more cute than a Frenchman trying to be ironic...
And keeping in mind that you appreciate my help I'll do it again:> Ah and nothing more adorable than a lovely germanic dutch man trying to be funny Why don't you spend your time in better things? You live in Netherlands right? The land of the shamaless sex, so get a dutch woman and spend your time fucking with her instead of seeking for fights in the forums.
=>Ah and nothing *more adorable than a lovely germanic dutch **man trying to be funny Why don't you spend your time in*** better things? You live in ****Netherlands right? The land of the shamaless sex****, so get a dutch woman and spend your time fucking with her instead of seeking *****for fights in******* the forums. <= First your mistakes... *is (infront of 'more') **Dutchman. ***Spend ON not in. ****THE Netherlands. *****Shameless. ******(for) is unneccesary ******* ON a forum,not in a forum it's not a house. I don't know why you react in such a strange way,you seem almost angry...well anyway,keep practising you'll ,eventually, get it. bye...
A questión Which language did you learn first? German or English?
Voilà ce qui arrive quand on use et abuse de l'anglais : des discussions sans queue ni tête qui finissent en eau de boudin...
Quelqu'un veut bien me dire quelque chose en espagnol ? Ca me fera des vacances !
Greg una pregunta:
¿Qué autores franceses me recomiendas para leer? Gracias
Merci Sigma. C'est dingue comme l'espagnol de base est compréhensible pour un Français nul en espagnol. Quelle chance ! Et quel plaisir !
Je suis de très mauvais conseil pour la littérature francophone pour au moins deux raisons : 1/ je n'y connais absolument rien 2/ j'ai un parti pris : Marguerite Yourcenar, les « Mémoires d'Hadrien » par exemple. Sinon le conseil de base c'est les (pseudo-)classiques (Hugo, Sagan, Condorcet, Montesquieu, Duras, Camus, Montaigne, La Fontaine, Izzo) + ton intuition en fonction de tes goûts. Que lis-tu en espagnol ?
Quand je dis les (pseudo-)classiques, la liste est loin d'être limitative ni même représentative de quoi que ce soit.