Lexical similarities between French-Spanish-Italian
Salut Guest ! Merci beaucoup !
I don't speak italian...I know only few words or sentences but I translated it thanks to the similarities between the 2 languages...the spanish translation helped me too...^^
Rolando, you call what you did a translation? It was totally wrong, and you even left some words out. Sorry, but it wasn't wasn't even a close translation. So Stef, don't make too much out of it. Trust me.
Stef, yes it's true....Portuguese people can understand Spanish almost perfectly without an interpreter. And for a Portuguese speaker Italian could be easy to learn as well. One of the many advantages of being a Portuguese speaker is that in terms of learning languages, for us: Spanish is a gift, Italian is easy, and so is French, although a little more challenging.
Rolando your Spanish needs a lot of improvement. Are you even a Spanish speaker?? No educated Spanish speaking person would ever write such incorrect Spanish.
Bueno, veamos:
<<Salve a tutti, come va? ho visitato questo forum e letto con attenzione i vostri commenti perchè sono molto interessato al discorso della mutua intellegibilità fra le lingue neolatine...>>
Saludos a todos, como estan? he visitado este foro y leido con atencion vuestros comentarios porque son muy interesantes con respecto de la mutua inteligibilidad entre las lenguas neolatinas...
<<Ditemi un pò, maè proprio vero che i portoghesi capiscono a perfezione lo spagnolo senza mai avere bisogno di un interprete e che lo stesso vale per i romeni nei confronti dell'italiano? >>
-Ditemi un pò, maè proprio vero- que un portugues entiende a la perfeccion el español sin mas -avere bisogno- de un interprete y que -lo stesso-(lo mismo?) vale para el rumano -nei confronti- del italiano ?
Esto es todo lo que logro.
sono molto interessato = Italian
in Spanish: me interesa mucho
in Portuguese: me interessa muito
senza mai avere bisogno = Italian
in Spanish: sin nunca haver necesidad
in Portuguese: sem nunca ter necessidade
lo stesso = Italian
in Spanish: igual, lo mismo
in Portuguese: igual, o mesmo
mae proprio vero = Italian
in Spanish: es verdad
in Portuguese: e verdade
i portoghesi = Italian
in Spanish: los portugueses
in Portuguese: os portugueses
in Italian: mi interessa molto***
in Spanish: me interesa mucho
in Portuguese: interessa-me muito***
Italian: lo stesso / lo medesimo***
in Spanish: igual, lo mismo
in Portuguese: igual, o mesmo
Italian: è vero***
in Spanish: es verdad
in Portuguese: e verdade
I'm a fluent spanish speaker, but I believe that I was typing way to fast trying to translate the italian to spanish... I may not have translated it so damn good, but I understood what Stef was trying to say...Ok...?
in Italian: mi interessa molto (this isn't the way it is written in the paragraph)
sono molto interessato = Italian (this is the way it was written in the paragraph)
in Spanish: me interesa mucho
in Portuguese: me interessa muito (this is totally interchangeabale with 'interessa-me muito')
Quoting : «in Portuguese: me interessa muito (this is totally interchangeabale with 'interessa-me muito') »
me interessa muito > Brasil
interessa-me muito > Portugal
(Same language, two standards)
Don't put Rolando down, it was a nice try. Here's my try:
<<Salve a tutti, come va? ho visitato questo forum e letto con attenzione i vostri commenti perchè sono molto interessato al discorso della mutua intellegibilità fra le lingue neolatine...Ditemi un pò, maè proprio vero che i portoghesi capiscono a perfezione lo spagnolo senza mai avere bisogno di un interprete e che lo stesso vale per i romeni nei confronti dell'italiano?>>
"¡Hola a todos! ¿como están(estais)? He visitado este forum y leí con atención sus(vuestros) comentarios porque me interesa mucho la discusión sobre la mutua inteligiblilidad entre las lenguas neolatinas. Diganme (Decidme)/ Cuentenme(Contadme) un poco, ¿es verdad que los Portgueses comprenden a la perfección el Español sin necesidad de intérprete. Y que es lo mismo con los Rumanos comprendiendo el Italiano?"
Me parece que es la mejor forma de traducirlo en Español.
And in English
Hello everyone! How are you? I've seen this forum and read your comments because I am very much interested in the intelligibility existing between Romance languages. Tell me, please. Is it true that the Portuguese can understand Spanish perfectly without an interpreter or anything? Is it the same with Romanians versus Italians?
Well, I'm not a native English speaker, I did my best to translate it, so if it's not that good, please don't bash me, OK?
Pete from Peru
Very well done Pete...there were just a couple of mistakes with the Portuguese words. I left out the Portuguese accents (I still have to learn how to do them on the computer :-)
¡Hola a todos! ¿Como están? He visitado este forum y leí con atención sus (vuestros) comentarios porque me interesa mucho la discusión sobre la mutua inteligibilidad entre las lenguas neolatinas. Diganme / cuentenme un poco, es verdad que los Portugueses comprenden a la perfección el Español sin necesidad de un intérprete, y que es lo mismo con los Rumanos comprendiendo el Italiano?
Ola a todos! Como estao? Tenho visitado este forum e li com atencao seus (vossos) comentarios porque me interessa muito a discussao sobre a mutua inteligibilidade entre as linguas neolatinas. Digao-me / contam-me um pouco, e verdade que os Portugueses compreendem a perfeicao o Espanhol sem necessidade de um interprete, e que e o mesmo com os Rumanos compreendendo o Italiano?
wow! I can't believe! how many messages related to my original post!! I'm very glad for this! Thank you "guest" for answering to my question about portouguese versus spanish intelligibility.....now I woul like to know if it'is true that Romanian people can understand Italian almost perfectly without an interpreter....come on Romanian friends, answer me!!!
Bye Bye!!
wow! I can't believe! how many messages related to my original post!! I'm very glad for this! Thank you "guest" for answering to my question about portouguese versus spanish intelligibility.....now I woul like to know if it'is true that Romanian people can understand Italian almost perfectly without an interpreter....come on Romanian friends, answer me!!!
Bye Bye!!
Salve a tutti, come va? ho visitato questo forum e lessi (ho letto) con attenzione i vostri commenti perchè sono molto interessato al discorso della mutua intellegibilità tra le lingue neolatine...Ditemi un pò, maè proprio vero che i portoghesi capiscono a perfezione lo spagnolo senza mai avere bisogno di un interprete e che lo stesso vale per i romeni nei confronti dell'italiano?
¡Hola a todos! ¿Como estáis? He visitado este forum y leí (he leído) con atención vuestros comentarios porque me interesa mucho la discusión de la mutua inteligibilidad entre las lenguas neolatinas. Decidme un poco, es verdad que los Portugueses comprenden a la perfección el Español sin necesidad de un intérprete, y que es lo mismo con los Rumanos comprendiendo el Italiano?
Hi Stef. This lastposti is not from me. I will use guest... from now on to distinguish. I won't use it now though so that no one else uses it. And thanks - I'm glad I helped anser your Portuguese Spanish question. I'll write more later.