Lexical similarities between French-Spanish-Italian

Guest   Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:00 pm GMT
Che palle!!! ma sempre le stesse cose scrivete???? ma che gusto ci provate??? e poi, soprattutto, ma che senso ha insistere sul fatto che l'italiano è più simile al francese piuttosto che allo spagnolo piuttosto che al rumeno....che du' maroooooooniiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!
E smettiamola!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comunque non ve la prendete, era solo uno sfogo.....tanti auguri di Buona Pasqua a tutti!!!
Guest   Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:09 pm GMT
<<However, I'm not sure about what you said about 'Galego'. It's totally true that 'Galego' is REALLY close to Portuguese, but are they as close as Catalan and Occitan are? >>

Portuguese and 'Galego' are two dialects of the same language. The only thing that separates Portuguese from Galician is politics.
Nascut   Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:18 pm GMT
tête==testa = cabeza / testa
jour==giorno / di = dia
toute=tutto = todo
faire==fare = hacer
fils==figli = hijo
huile==olia = aceite
olive==oliva = aceituna / oliva (i.e. aceite de oliva)
manger==mangiare = comer
frère==fratello = hermano
lundi==lunedi = lunes
mardi==martedi = martes
mercredi==mircoledi = miercoles
jeudi==giovedi = jueves
vendredi==venerdi = viernes
parler==parlare = hablar / parlar
plus==più = mas
jus, suc == succo = jugo / zumo
vous == voi = usted
homme == uomo = hombre
et /e/== e = y / e
cité==città = ciudad
portez = = portare = traer / llevar (Spanish still has transportar, Panama still uses 'portar' )
trouvez = = trovare = encontrar, procurar & hallar
auberge = = albergo / hotel = hotel
fromage = = formaggio = queso
veux = = voglio = quiero
peur = = paura = miedo
besoin = = bisogno di = necesitar
manquer = = mancare = extranar / echar de menos / carecer
regardez = = guardare & osservare = mirar / ver / observar
sur = = su(l) = en (la)
table = = tavola = mesa
sous = = sotto = bajo / so
matin = = mattina = manana
soir = = sera = noche / tarde
ete = = estate = verano
jambe = = gamba =. pierna

*To verify the authencity of Spanish words:

---> Spanish and Italian still have strong similarities in vocabulary; moreover...some words of Spanish are different from French and Italian because, those words are of Classical-latin origin.

Classical-latin and Spanish
edere / comedere = comer
carere = carecer
dies = dia
caseus = queso
trahere = traer
mensa = mesa
medu = miedo
mirari = mirar
video = ver = vedere (Italian) *mostly means 'to see'.
Guest   Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:20 pm GMT
Ancora?????? ma bastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finitelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guest   Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:41 pm GMT
Classical-latin and Spanish
edere / comedere = comer
carere / carescere = carecer
dies = dia
caseus = queso
trahere = traer
mensa = mesa
metus = miedo
mirari = mirar
ver / veris = verano
magis = mas
video = ver = vedere (Italian) *mostly means 'to see'.
Clovis   Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:25 pm GMT
There are a lot of words or verbs in these 3 languages which are saimilar :



etc etc !
Observant   Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:14 am GMT
Nascut, here's my answer

comprar/comprare vs acheter
sueñar/sognare vs rêver
bailar/ballare vs danser
llamar/chiamare vs appeller
llave/chiave vs clef
como esta/come sta vs comment-allez vous
(Yo/Io) canto vs Je chante
gato/gatto vs chat
Por favor/per favore vs s'il vous plait
suerte/sorte vs chance
cuanto/quanto vs combien
azul/azzuro vs bleu

agua/aqua vs eau
aquel/quello vs cela
basta vs assez
cabra/capra vs chèvre
casa vs maison
conejo/coniglio vs lapin
este/questo vs ceci
gracias/grazie vs merci
rana vs grenouille
siempre/sempre vs toujours
si vs oui
silla/sedia vs chaise

buey/bue vs boeuf
carne vs viande
cena vs souper
cuaderno/quaderno vs cahier
cuadrado/quadrato vs équerre
cuadro/quadro vs tableau
despues/dopo vs après
donde/dove vs où
ejercito/essercito vs armée
embutido/imbottito vs bourré
estufado/stufato vs ragoût
ocho/otto vs huit
oleo/olio vs huil
payaso/pagliaccio vs pitre/bouffon
retrato/ritratto vs portrait
ultimo vs dernièr
vergÜenza/vergogna vs honte

bandera/bandiera vs drapeau
belleza/belleza vs beauté
con vs avec
denero/danaro,denaro vs pognon
lata/latta vs bidon
oficina/uffizio vs bureau
rama/ramo vs branche
regalo vs cadeau
sabado/sabato vs samedi
tia/zia vs tante
tio/zio vs oncle

agosto vs août
septiembre/settembre vs septembre
marzo vs mars
mayo/maggio vs mai
junio vs juin

una vs une
dos/due vs deux
tre(s) vs trois
cuatro/quattro vs quatre
cinco/cinque vs cinq
seis/sei vs six
siete/sette vs sept
ocho/otto vs huit
nueve/nove vs neuf
diez y siete/diciasette vs dix-sept
diez y ocho/diciotto vs dix-huit
diez y nueve/dicianove vs dix-neuf
trenta vs trente
quarenta/quaranta vs quarante
cinquenta/cinquanta vs cinquante
sesenta/sessanta vs soixante
setenta/settanta vs soixante-dix
ochenta/ottanta vs quatre-vingts
noventa/novanta vs quatre-vingts-dix
ciento/cento vs cent

Now which 2 languages among the three is closer to each other than the remaining 1?
greg   Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:34 am GMT
Observant, un conseil : apprends le français avant d'exhiber les quelques vocables que tu auras exhumés d'un dico poussiéreux...

Deux ou trois modifs histoire d'illustrer l'inanité de ta "démonstration" qui pêche par défaut de parallélisme :

« carne vs viande » → carne
« casa vs maison » → case
« ultimo vs dernièr¹ » → ultime ; ¹sic (dernier)
« vergÜenza¹/vergogna vs honte » → vergogne ; ¹sic (vergüenza)
« si vs oui » → si
« rama/ramo vs branche » → rameau
« denero/danaro,denaro vs pognon¹ » → denier ; ¹sic (argent, monnaie)
« oficina/uffizio vs bureau » → office, officine
« sueñar/sognare vs rêver » → songer
« suerte/sorte vs chance » → sort
« azul/azzuro¹ vs bleu » → azur ; ¹sic (azzurro) ; It <blu>.
Guest   Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:46 am GMT

comprar/comprar/comprare vs acheter
sonhar/sueñar/sognare vs rêver
dançar/bailar/ballare vs danser
chamar/llamar/chiamare vs appeller
chave/llave/chiave vs clef
como esta/como esta/come sta vs comment-allez vous
cantar(canto)/(Yo/Io) canto vs Je chante
gato/gato/gatto vs chat
Faz(Por) favor/Por favor/per favore vs s'il vous plait
sorte/suerte/sorte vs chance
quanto/cuanto/quanto vs combien
azul/azul/azzuro vs bleu

agua/agua/aqua vs eau
aquele/aquel/quello vs cela
basta/basta vs assez
cabra/cabra/capra vs chèvre
casa/casa vs maison
coelho/conejo/coniglio vs lapin
este/este/questo vs ceci
odrigado/gracias/grazie vs merci
rã/rana vs grenouille
sempre/siempre/sempre vs toujours
sim/si vs oui
cadeira/silla/sedia vs chaise

boi/buey/bue vs boeuf
carne/carne vs viande
seia/cena vs souper
quadro/cuaderno/quaderno vs cahier
quadrado/cuadrado/quadrato vs équerre
quadro/cuadro/quadro vs tableau
depois/despues/dopo vs après
de onde(donde)/donde/dove vs où
exercito/ejercito/essercito vs armée
embotido/embutido/imbottito vs bourré
estufado/estufado/stufato vs ragoût
oito/ocho/otto vs huit
olio/oleo/olio vs huil
palhaço/payaso/pagliaccio vs pitre/bouffon
retrato/retrato/ritratto vs portrait
ultimo/ultimo vs dernièr
vergonha/vergÜenza/vergogna vs honte

bandeira/bandera/bandiera vs drapeau
beleza/belleza/belleza vs beauté
com/con vs avec
dinheiro/denero/danaro,denaro vs pognon
lata/lata/latta vs bidon
oficina/oficina/uffizio vs bureau
ramo/rama/ramo vs branche
presente/regalo vs cadeau
sabado/sabado/sabato vs samedi
tia/tia/zia vs tante
tio/tio/zio vs oncle

agosto/agosto vs août
setembro/septiembre/settembre vs septembre
março/marzo vs mars
maio/mayo/maggio vs mai
junho/junio vs juin

um/una vs une
dois/dos/due vs deux
três/tre(s) vs trois
quatro/cuatro/quattro vs quatre
cinco/cinco/cinque vs cinq
seis/seis/sei vs six
sete/siete/sette vs sept
oito/ocho/otto vs huit
nove/nueve/nove vs neuf
dezessete/diez y siete/diciasette vs dix-sept
dezoito/diez y ocho/diciotto vs dix-huit
deznove/diez y nueve/dicianove vs dix-neuf
trinta/trenta vs trente
quarenta/quarenta/quaranta vs quarante
cinquenta/cinquanta vs cinquante
sesenta/sesenta/sessanta vs soixante
setenta/setenta/settanta vs soixante-dix
oitenta/ochenta/ottanta vs quatre-vingts
noventa/noventa/novanta vs quatre-vingts-dix
cem/ciento/cento vs cent
Nascut   Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:18 pm GMT
Observant and Guest, I've made some corrections.

Spanish, Italian and French:
treinta / trenta vs trente
diecisiete / diciasette vs dix-sept
dieciocho / diciotto vs dix-huit
diecinueve / dicianove vs dix-neuf
cien(to) / cento vs cent
cuarenta / quaranta vs quarante
agua / acqua vs eau
cincuenta / cinquanta vs cinquante
dinero / danaro,denaro vs pognon
tía / zia vs tante
tío / zio vs oncle
último / ultimo vs dernièr
ejército / essercito vs armée
después / dopo vs après
aquél (masculine) & aquello(neuter) / quello vs cela
cómo está / come sta vs comment-allez vous
llave & clave / chiave vs clef
cuánto / quanto vs combien
este & esto / questo vs ceci
sí / sì vs oui

*16-19 are always written as so.
correction   Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:05 pm GMT
cantar(canto)/(Yo/Io) canto vs Je chante

(Eu/Yo/Io) canto vs Je chante

odrigado/gracias/grazie vs merci

obrigado/gracias/grazie vs merci
Guest   Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:00 am GMT
Allow me...

<<fils==figli /vs hijo>>

Those are plurals, the Spanish form should be 'hijos'

<<huile==olia /vs aceite>>

The Italian for 'aceite' is 'olio' not 'olia'

<<olive==oliva /vs aceituna>>

In Spanish there's also 'oliva' for the fruit, and 'olivo' for the tree.

<<parler==parlare /vs hablar>>

Not much to say here, although in Spanish we also have 'parlotear', which is used in hilarious contexts. However, 'hablar' is closer to Portuguese 'falar' anyway.

<<vous == voi vs usted>>

'Usted' is not the equivalent for 'vous' in French and 'voi' in Italian. And they aren't used in the same way either. the Spanish equivalent for 'vous' and 'voi' is 'vos' which was used exactly as the French 'vous' but in the 18th or 19th century, not nowadays. Although they still use it in many Spanish-speaking countries, but in a different way.

et /e/== e /e/ vs y /i/

In Spanish there's 'y' but there's also 'e' which you use when the word that follows starts with 'i'. E.g.: "España y Francia", "Italia y España" but "España e Italia" "Francia e Italia".

Kind regards

Pete from Peru
Tiffany   Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:45 am GMT
I thought the equivalent in Spanish to the Italian "voi" was "vosotros" (Spain) or "ustedes" (Latin America)? Perhaps I am wrong.

By the way, water is Italian is "acqua" and the language has both "blu" and "azzurro". "Office" is "ufficio". That said, these are only a few comments, I haven't read all of the above. This discussion is endless.
Observant   Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:45 am GMT
It should be

gracias/grazie vs merci vs obrigado
regalo vs cadeau vs presente
bailar/ballare vs danser/dançar
silla/sedia vs chaise/cadeira
una vs une vs uma
cena vs souper vs seia

Pete, you must have forgotten that the equivalent of vosotros in French is vous-autres which is still used in Lousiana and to a lesser extent in Canada.

Voialtri is used to be common in Italian/Tuscan a few centuries ago but it is now archaic.
Guest   Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:37 am GMT
observant, you could give us other exemples than always the same, no ?
Are you unable to find others ?

once again you seems not knowing french...

gracias/grazie vs merci vs obrigado - Grâce
regalo vs cadeau vs presente - Regaler
bailar/ballare vs danser/dançar - ballet, ballerines, etc
silla/sedia vs chaise/cadeira - Silla/sedia= siège
cena vs souper vs seia - souper is not the current word: diner is better, and cène exists also.