Do you like Brazilian Portuguese?

Guest   Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:06 pm GMT
Alison wrote:

««This is something I do not agree at all. Victims [brazilians] have everything to do with it , they would not be called victims if they had nothing to do with it. »»

Consider that most brazilians were born in Brazil as it is today. They are not responsible for the situation involving their lives. It will take many generations of determined brazilians to rid Brazil of greed and violence.

You are right to say that it is up to brazilians to do something to change the situation. Yet it will not happen overnight. Until then, many brazilians will live and die as victims. Many will resort to violence to survive. Others will leave the country. The situation will get worse before it gets better. However, no one can save the brazilians but brazilians themselves.

Blaming the Portuguese for the brazilian mess is not fair. Brazilians should look at the Portuguese as a role model for how to change a country for the better through peaceful, democratic means.
Karyoka   Wed Dec 28, 2005 3:06 pm GMT
Blaming the Portuguese for the brazilian mess is not fair.

Oh, not fair?
Blaming parents for the children's mess is not fair?
Portuguese didn't care for its childs, now Portuguese are puzzled and ask dumb questions like ''how come Brazilians don't use standard Portuguese when they speak?''. If Portugal had invested heavily in its child's education, Brazil would speak ''a propper Portuguese''. Now, 300 years later when the spoken language has changed so dramatically it is not fair to ask dumb questions...

Guest   Wed Dec 28, 2005 3:33 pm GMT
Karyoka wrote:

==Oh, not fair?
Blaming parents for the children's mess is not fair?
Portuguese didn't care for its childs, now Portuguese are puzzled and ask dumb questions like ''how come Brazilians don't use standard Portuguese when they speak?''. If Portugal had invested heavily in its child's education, Brazil would speak ''a propper Portuguese''. Now, 300 years later when the spoken language has changed so dramatically it is not fair to ask dumb questions... ==

This is one of the most bazzar comments ever written. I hope the Portuguese are not to blame for this one! Should Karyoka's parents be blamed for what their child writes online? Karyota needs a spanking or at least "time out! from the net.
Guest   Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:34 pm GMT
Blame this one on the Portuguese:

Wal-Mart Buys Portuguese Company's Brazilian Stores

Wal-Mart bought 140 Brazilian stores from a Portuguese conglomerate.

The $764 million purchase from Sonae fits into Wal-Mart's strategy of rapid overseas growth. Wal-Mart says it wants to expand more in Latin America and elsewhere outside the United States.

Wal-Mart's international sales and profits are growing faster than in the United States.
Guest   Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:40 pm GMT
Blame this one on the Portuguese>

Brazil Releases Slaves

Brasilia, Dec 27 (Prensa Latina) Over 1547 Brazilians were release from slave work this year, according to the evaluation presented by the Mobile Group of the Labor Ministry created 10 years ago to fight that illegal practice deeply rooted in country´s farms.

In its 10 years of work the Group that now has seven supervising teams, detected and released 17,417 workers from similar conditions of slavery, 11,524 of them during the three years of the current government that represents the 66 percent of the two third parts of the total.

In all the cases the great landowners were fined and forced to pay the debt to the workers, to compensate them and to provide their return to their original regions.

In general, the workers submitted to that form of exploitation are contracted far-off and confined in shelters without the minimum conditions of life and hygiene, bad food supply, no drinking water and medical attention.

Last December 13, in the presence of the president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the sector´s ministry launched a campaign "Eradication of Slave Work" including measures for the farmers not to use that solution.

That Ministry signed an agreement with the Federation that brought together the private banks in order not to grant credits to hundreds of farms that appear in the so-called "dirty list" for being detected they were using that form of exploitation.

The landowners included in this list automatically lose public entities´ financing and adding the private bank the doors to credit are completely closed.

The Congress is bogged down due to the pressure against the parliamentarians who are landowners or have relations with them, a land project that stipulates the expropriation of lands where the workers are subject of conditions similar to slavery.
Guest   Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:47 pm GMT
Karyota: it seems to me that the Portuguese were in Brazil last some 200 years ago. That would make them into something like your great-great-great-great grandparents.
Why not blame your problems on the Arabs or the Romans , who in turn were the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents of the Portuguese and therefore also responsible for all the Brazilian mishaps.
Don't forget when you yourself do something wrong to blame it on Adam and Eve.
God apparently created Adam and Eva with a free will to decide between
good and wrong. This capacity must have been inherited by the Brazilians, they themselves have been able to decide for the last 2 centuries what kind of country they want to live in.
You can decide, the easy way out, and feel victimized and nothing is your fault or decide to stand up for what is one of the most beautiful countries in the world and fight for it so all Brazilians can share in its abundant wealth.
Naldo   Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:50 pm GMT
Previous message was mine
Mariana   Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:20 pm GMT

Good! I agree. Brazilians need to grow up! Get serious! Give a fight! When was the last time that we heard of brazilians putting up a good real fight for what they want?

Insead they have allowed for the criminal gangs to take over their streets and neigborhoods. They have allowed for great capital to take over their wealth.

The last time brazilians stood up for themselves was when they declared independence from Portugal and it was easy!

Brazilians need to take charge. Get rid of Lula. Get a real leader! Get serious! Fight!
Tiffany   Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:49 pm GMT
Not to say that whatever is wrong with the economy should'nt be blamed on the Brazilian governement and influential people in the country, but blaming the Brazilian state of affiars on all local Brazilians is hogwash, patently ridiculous. Do you want to blame me because Bush is a backwards hick? 49% of America voted for the other guy, and I certainly did not vote for Bush.

Of course, Brazil blaming it on Portugal is as patently ridiculous as blaming the local Brazilian people. Look to your leaders, the decisions your country has made. This, and the consequences of their actions, is what made your country the way it is today. Portugal doesn't run your country - they do.

Karyota: I don't even know how to respond to that, it is so ridiculous that it's sad. I suspect all this talk that Brazilian must be a separate language from Portuguese is strongly like is linked to some Brazilian's irrational hate for Portugal. Antimoon seems to have gotten a flood of the extreme minority as I know many rational Brazilians.
Guest   Wed Dec 28, 2005 6:59 pm GMT
If Portugal had invested heavily in its child's education

Then the only responsible parent is England the USA and Anglo Canada are the only first world countries in America. The rest is a mess.

France abandoned her kid (Québec) without caring for his future at the hands hands of England.

Spain leaved her multiples kids (Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela) like if they were made in a one night stand. Also Spain feels ashamed of her kids in America too.

Portugal feels ashamed of the way his kid (Brazil) speaks when is all Portugals fault.

Netherlands aborted their kids in America before giving birth to them.

Thus England is the only worthy European parent that gaves a good education and values to their kids in America?
Guest   Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:48 pm GMT
»»Portugal feels ashamed of the way his kid (Brazil) speaks when is all Portugals fault.»»

Where did you get the idea that Portugal is ashamed of Brazil? I have witnessed braziians being ashmed of their Portuguese heritage but I did see that Portugal or the portuguese are ashamed of Brazil. If it was not for Brazil the portuguese language would be a minor language with no consequence.
uno que pasaba por aqui   Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:24 pm GMT
"Spain leaved her multiples kids (Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela) like if they were made in a one night stand. Also Spain feels ashamed of her kids in America too"

Spain no dejó a nadie. Los muy desgraciaos los echaron a patadas de alli (guerras de indepencia). Me rio cuando llaman a Spain la madre patria. A ver, a una madre no se la viola ni se le da una paliza. Y despues esperan que Spain les reciba con los brazos abiertos.
Naldo   Wed Dec 28, 2005 9:00 pm GMT
«Thus England is the only worthy European parent that gaves a good education and values to their kids in America? »

In America maybe , minus Guiana, Honduras and the Caribean.
The rest of the world , countries like Zimbabwe, Bangladesh come to mind and lots more when you just stop and think about it.
Joe   Wed Dec 28, 2005 9:03 pm GMT
>>If Portugal had invested heavily in its child's education

Then the only responsible parent is England the USA and Anglo Canada are the only first world countries in America. The rest is a mess.

France abandoned her kid (Québec) without caring for his future at the hands hands of England.

Spain leaved her multiples kids (Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela) like if they were made in a one night stand. Also Spain feels ashamed of her kids in America too.

Portugal feels ashamed of the way his kid (Brazil) speaks when is all Portugals fault.

Netherlands aborted their kids in America before giving birth to them.

Thus England is the only worthy European parent that gaves a good education and values to their kids in America?<<

What crap analogies. The sheer idiocy that's prevalent in this board is cause for concern.
Joe   Wed Dec 28, 2005 9:12 pm GMT
>>Spain no dejó a nadie. Los muy desgraciaos los echaron a patadas de alli (guerras de indepencia). Me rio cuando llaman a Spain la madre patria. A ver, a una madre no se la viola ni se le da una paliza. Y despues esperan que Spain les reciba con los brazos abiertos.<<

These countries (Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela) weren't truly Spain's children to begin with. Mexico in particular is a fusion of ancient pre-hispanic cultures with european ones that is highly distinct from anything else found in the world, much less Spain. The independence only came about only because the "criollos" (wealthy elite) ceased to feel a strong affinity with the "motherland" and wanted to finally cut the "umbilical cord" and gain sole control of their affairs. These is a complex touchy issue among Mexicans and other Latin American due the dual nature of their identity.