Traditional Chinese
From Antimoon Translation Project
Antimoon是由Tomasz P. Szynalski以及Michal Ryszard Wojcik於2001年設立。他們在三年內將英語程度提升至接近母語人士的程度,本站就是他們的經驗的結晶。
何爲輸入以及爲何需要輸入(原文:[Input — what it is and why you need it Input — what it is and why you need it])
SuperMemo——快速構建你英語的軟件 (原文:SuperMemo — software to build your English fast)原文已更新爲間隔重複軟件引介
英語學習者面臨的三大挑戰(原文:Three biggest challenges facing an English learner)
為什麼我們不喜歡英語課堂(原文:Why we don't like English classes)
說和寫能害了你的英語(原文:You can damage your English by writing and speaking)
為何你要學英語發音(原文:Why you should study English pronunciation)
學外語的迷思和事實(原文:Language learning: Myths and facts)
- 迷思一:「學外語最好方法是去外國。」(原文:Myth #1: "The best way to learn a foreign language is to go to a foreign country")
- 迷思二:「學外語最好方法是開口說。」(原文:Myth #2: "The best way to learn a foreign language is to speak it")
- 迷思三:「犯錯沒關係。」(原文:Myth #3: "It is OK to make mistakes")
- 迷思四:「你是初學者,必然會犯很多錯誤。」(原文:Myth #4: "As a beginner, you're bound to make a lot of mistakes")
- 迷思五:「你是外國人,因此一直會有外國口音。」(原文:Myth #5: "You are a foreigner, therefore you will always have a foreign accent")
- 迷思六:「如果你不是從小學習外語,你永不會熟練掌握其語法。」(原文:Myth #6: "If you didn't learn a foreign language as a child, you will never be fully proficient in its grammar")
- 迷思七:「學發音不重要。」(原文:Myth #7: "Studying pronunciation is not important")